Samstag, 17.2., 16.00 Uhr:
„Leopard Spots“, Ergebnis des Animationsworkshops in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Sneakpreview animierte Doku „YORUBALAND“ ,
Gesprächsthemen: Religion, Geflüchtete aus Nigeria in Europa
Sonntag, 18.02, 15:00 Uhr:
Huldigung des Verbotenen Gottes mit Exkursion zu einem seiner Epicenter
19:00 Finissage mit Johnny Zabala live -Lo-Fi & DJ Schmacke
Als Schmacke im August 2016 auf Einladung des Goethe-Instituts und mit Hilfe des Carl-Hill-Stipendiums Nigeria in Westafrika besuchte sah er, das Afrika vor 200 Jahren noch ein ganz eigene
s Bild abgegeben hätte, wogegen heute die gleiche Zivilisation wie in Europa oder Amerika vorherrscht, nur nach afrikanischem Muster.
Fotoworkshop aufgabe von Silke Lapina:
Während des Fotografie Workshops im „Deutschen Haus Ile-Ife“ Nigeria 2016, haben die Teilnehmer von der Fotografin Silke Lapina eine Fotoaufgabe bekommen:
Nimm dir Zeit und höre einem anderen Menschen zu. Spreche eine fremde Person an und frag sie nach ihrer Leidenschaft. Dann erst fotografiere diese Person.
Selten war ich so überwältigt wie von diesem jungen Fotografen Tobi James aus Nigeria der meinen Workshop im Deutsches Haus in Ile-Ife besucht. Er hat sich auf die Suche nach unerzählten Geschichten gemacht und diesen jungen Elektriker fotografiert und interviewt.
Sein Foto wurde 2016 bei der #spreadthelove Ausstellung in Hamburg ausgestellt.
Hier seine Geschichte:
„A great journey starts with a simple short step. Mine started with a visit to Deutsches Haus in Ile-Ife to attend a Photography workshop by Silke Lapina. Silke has such a great energy and passion for her work that moves me. This workshop taught me how to photograph beautiful portraits by interacting better with the subject and it was like I got a new toy with the kind of excitement I felt. We were all encouraged to try out these techniques by taking portraits of a person that is passionate about their job.
I set out to shoot on a sunny Monday afternoon, looking out for interesting people with their various professions. After a long and tiring walk I finally met an interesting person named Opeyemi who was willing to share much about his profession. Opeyemi started working as an electrician since the age of 10 after unscrewing his father’s electronics out of the curiosity of knowing how it works and now has over 25 years of work experience as an Electrician. A large pile of abandoned electronic spare parts really summarized the professional life of this young man. He is clearly passionate with the way he smiled as he narrated stories about his life and profession, also shared the little problems he encounters as an Electrician. I went back home with so much joy in my heart and still overwhelmed with how a total stranger was willing to share so much about his life and profession. I also got the opportunity to share this beautiful story and pictures at Silke Lapina’s #SpreadTheLove exhibition. It was so inspiring listening to Silke’s stories about her life and being brave. Now I own the power to create more beautiful and interesting photographs. I believe I have embarked on a great journey.
Every day I travel the world from the comfort of my couch with so much curiosity of many interesting people and beautiful things I could capture with my camera, but now I know I have to be brave to go out there and make it happen.”
Tobi James, Nigeria