Jazz Duo

Donnerstag, 24. 09. 19:00 bis 22:00
at PremArts

I’m very happy to announce this exceptional Duo to play a concert in the beautiful gallery room that I rented to show my work as a violinmaker.

Two wandering souls drawing their inspiration in the deep love for (not only) jazz music and for the truth and authenticity in the creative process.
Get ready for Jazz standards in their purest forms, spicy accordion chords with a mellow and emotional vocals.
Vocals – Michaela Bóková
Czech singer, music manager and producer based in Berlin. Her vocal expression is rooted in classical music with many creative overlaps to different genres and styles. Michaela is also an author of multiple music projects for unprivileged children and is active in the field of jazz/independent music as a manager of Kurt Rosenwinkel’s label Heartcore Records.
Accordion – Vojta Drnek
Czech accordionist and composer living in Prague after finishing his studies at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz, Austria and JAMU in Brno. Vojta is a performer with a wide range of musical styles, from swing and mainstream jazz to contemporary performances, modern jazz and free improvisation in Czech and Austria based projects.

J.S.Bach und Piazzolla im WrangelKiez

PremArts presents-

 J.S.Bach und Piazzolla im WrangelKiez


Sa  19:00 – 22:00 h

Marjolaine Locher, Violine
Robert Grabein, Piano
Marjolaine Locher aus Lyon ist Sologeigerin und Musikerin in verschiedenen Orchestern
und wird für uns zwei Stücke aus der Partita in h-Moll für Violine solo spielen und dann eine
 Wende zu Astor Piazzolla beschreiben,
begleitet von Robert Grabein am Piano.

Barely There

Exhibition on hold during Corona Virus shutdown.


Jill Colchester

Bare bodies, briefly drawn with a dynamic and gestural line.

How much information does one need to read the marks on a surface as a figure or a face?
Jill has been drawing the nude for some time and her work explores the dynamics of line, paring down and reducing the marks made. Finding the essence and substance of the pose, keeping only what is necessary, retaining the vitality of youth.

The drawings are loose, pared back, thought provoking and expressive, full of vitality.

The title, in English, Barely There, plays with the word bare, being nude; the brevity of the pose, barely being held for any length of time, and the relatively, (at least to the artist), short time one has the bloom of youth. The drawings are celebrating the female form.
Stripping back the line, Jill’s drawings are minimal and essential, reducing the line to leave the viewer to find the pose.

Barely There also refers to the briefness of a pop-up show, there and then not there – gone.

Vernissage, with music:  17th April,  19.00

Oud music: 20.00 – 21.00

Finissage: 18 April,  12.00 – 16.00

Address: PremArts, Oppelner St 34, Berlin 10997

Talk with Caro Ophis Smart

(True North Health /London) Sound Healer & Dj

16.04.2019 |  19Uhr

Caro is a health practitioner, educator, musician, Doula and DJ .

A creative force beginning in the late 80s on the London D.I.Y. underground queer and music scene(s), Caro is a passionate advocate for the therapeutic use of sound as well as having a focus that is directed towards health and well-being for women and children, Caro was one of the Co-founders and guardians of the Women’s Autonomous Nuisance café (WANC), a London based DIY, vegan, community resource and place of edutainment and conscious raising, running in squatted and autonomous spaces around Hackney from 2000 to 2012. “The Wanc Caf”  is currently  being featured at the London exhibition “Queer Spaces: London, 1980s – Today” at the Whitechapel gallery.

In April 2016 she spent some time volunteering at the grassroots project Refugee Community Kitchen (RCK) in Calais and Dunkirk, and was profoundly affected by the heart breaking situations that people find themselves in. This catalyzed an urgency to find a way to reach out and see what people need and how she and others could help.

Thus TNH was set up as a formal UK community interest company with the idea to help people re-find their inner compass through the healing arts in order to navigate difficult situations including health diagnoses. And all this running parallel with Caros own ongoing 15 year self healing journey with diagnosed cancer which is documented on her ongoing blog Cancer Guinea Pig.

Equally inspired by the work of RCK , the Berlin socio cultural collective Czentrifuga teamed up with TNH, in addition to the l’Embobineuse culture center, Marseille , to create the Erasmus Plus supported, adult learning project “Step Across the Border”.

This evenings informal discussion with Caro, is part of a week long programme of activities in and around Berlin , an exchange of techniques and skills ranging from medicinal herbal and plant recognition, to sound meditation workshops and finally a fund raising event/party for Refugee Community Kitchen on Sunday 31st April at Czentrifuga ateliers, Markgrafendamm 24c Ostkreuz, whereby, amongst a diverse programme of discussion, short film, performances, theater, live music food and refreshments, Caro will be spinning soulfull and dancehall flavored vinyl drum n bass.

Gespräch mit Caro Ophis Smart (True North Health / UK)

Caro ist Gesundheitspraktikerin, Pädagogin, Musikerin, Geburtshelferin und DJane.

Als strahlt seit den späten 80ern in DIY über London hinaus eine starke kreative Kraft aus. In der Underground Queer- und Musikszene  ist Caro eine leidenschaftliche Verfechterin therapeutischer Anwendungen von Klängen mit Focus auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Frauen und Kindern ausgerichtet ist. Caro war eine in London ansässige Community-Ressource und Ort der Bildung und des Bewusstseins – für zahlreiche von Frauen über 12 Jahre.

Im April 2016 setzte sich Caro ehrenamtlich beim Basisprojekt Refugee Community Kitchen (RCK) in Calais und Dünkirchen ein und war tief betroffen von den unwrdigen Situationen, in denen sich die Menschen befinden. Dies kurbelte die Dringlichkeit an, einen Weg für dringend benötigte Hife zu finden

So wurde TNH als formaler britischer nonprofit-Community Verein gegründet, um Geflüchteten  dabei helfen soll, ihren inneren Kompass durch die Heilkünste wiederzufinden und  schwierige Situationen, einschließlich Gesundheitsdiagnosen, zu meistern.

Genauso inspiriert von der Arbeit des RCK, gründete das Berliner Kulturkollektiv Czentrifuga mit TNH und dem Kulturzentrum L’Embobineuse in Marseille das von Erasmus Plus unterstützte informelle Erwachsenenbildungsprojekt “Schritt über die Grenze”.

Die informelle Gesprächsrunde mit Caro ist der Auftakt in einem einwöchigen Programm mit Aktivitäten in Berlin und im Berliner Umland , einem Austausch von Kenntnissen und Praxis zu medizinischen Kräutern und Pflanzen, bewährte Meditationsworkshops bis hin zu einer Spendenaktion / -Party für die Gemeinschaftsküchen für Geflüchtete ,wo neben einer abwechslungsreichen Gesprächsrunde Kurzfilme, Performances, Theater, Live-Musikessen und Erfrischungsgetränke Caro soul-lull und Dancehall mit Vinyl-Drum und Bass experimentiert wird.


Sonntag, 28. April in den Czentrifuga Ateliers, Markgrafendamm 24c Ostkreuz





