Alt Alfons

Multimedialer Vortrag und Gespräch

Do 19.05.2015 -18 Uhr

Eintritt frei

Der Schein trügt. Die Fotos von Alfons Alt wirken zwar alt, stammen aber aus jüngster Zeit. Alfons Alt, 1962 in Illertissen geboren und heute in Marseille wohnhaft, mag die alten Fototechniken. In Marseille unterhält er ein experimentelles Atelier für alternative Verfahren. Selbstredend fotografiert er analog, bearbeitet die Aufnahmen aber durchaus am Computer. Continue reading “EINE REISE UM DIE ALTOTYPIE IN HUNDERT BILDERN”


An exhibition from Gibaudan Corinne, curated by ” Le dernier cri” from Marseille taking place from the 12th to the 16th of may in Premarts.


To enhance proper thinking via reflecting

• I say Thank YOU to Pitch it! For inviting me coming here today and sharing this previwed performance and the following lecture with you.

– „Everybody is an illiterate – The art of lifelong learning“ is the topic of today and tomorrow conferences days. To understand „Everybody is an illiterate“ starts with the acceptance and understanding of myself being an illiterate as well as you being an illiterate as well as everybody here in this room, city, country, europe, finally all over the world being an illiterate.

– To reflect this ‘being an illiterate’ and what impact this has on me, my surrounding, our relationships, decission making and acting seems impossible to me without referring to the french structuralists such as Jacques Lacan, Foucault and Derrida. „Everybody is an illiterate!“ could be their words. Being an illiterate means not to be outside the structure. to citate JLacan: It means, dealing with a structure not being sovereign, not being the master of. In a way: Being a stranger at home. All the structuralists talking and writing started from this knowledge about Me being organized and influenced by a structure I, you, we do not overview, do not know. On the one hand this not knowing implicates the imagination of the others within the structure being overdimensional significant and wise, and the meeting point with my, your, our own insignificance, unconcsouiss, failure, up to social death. On the other hand the structuralists talking and writing gave example for: This Not knowing also contains the very wish and will to know, to understand! And within their rich number of philosohpical to psychoanalytic theories we can learn: To be able to understand – requires pure curiosity, curiosity and observation without predictions and immediate evaluation. Continue reading “EVERYBODY IS AN ILLITERATE – THE ART OF LIFELONG LEARNING”