Matthew Kopp & Wannes Cools
Matthew Kopp creates totemistic portraits revealing splintered introjects, alter personalities, bizarre deities, and pensive expressive abstractions.Wannes Cools is a Belgian based artist born 1991.
His practice jumps through different sorts of mediums, ranging from drawing to installations. The main focus of his practice lays in narrative storytelling. Often seemingly meaningless his work takes shape and form mostly because of the quantitiy which he
conseders to be a help- full quality. His works are mostly derived from everyday or past pop culture images. He himselfdescribes his work as being very straightforward and at times superficial although there is alwaysmeaning that relays to his personal concerns. By jumping in between mediums and translating the same into different outputs Cools seaks out the value of an image. For this event Cools will be working aside of artist Chicago based artist Matthew Kopp.
Together the two will bring forth a crosspolution of both visual work and short performances.