Domácí úkoly / Homework

Radek Čák
Objekte & Bilder

Eröffnung: Fr 05.10.2012 – 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 06.10. – 14.10.2012 Mi – So 16 – 19 Uhr

Radek Čák, Jahrgang 1982, studierte an der Kunstakademie in Brno.

Seit 2005 hat er an zahlreichen Gruppenausstellungen und Kunstprojekten teilgenommen. So hat er 2007, 2009 und 2011 an den von PremArts veranstalteten deutsch-tschechischen bzw. deutschtschechisch-türkischen Werkstatt-Projekten Signal 07, Signal 09 und Signal 11 teilgenommen
“The formal and ideological basis of Radka Čák’s work relates to post-conceptualism, which is
generally considered to be of the moment. However, the authorial specificity of Čak’s work is an
extraordinarily sensitive, intelligent and gently playful detachment with which these processes start and develop.
Čak’s art usually sees itself and is seen with a smile. What is most interesting is not this fact itself, but more importantly, “the type of smile” which is accompanied by introspection.
Whilst it contains the necessary level of hilarity that it could just be a joke, it’s more thoughtful than that. Occasionally it resurfaces on the border of embarrassment and self-flagellation, as if it is a little
suspicious to openly talk about its own vanity, but I always like the way it can, at the last minute, sidestep such accusations and with quite a masculine sparkle, subtly shaped like irony. Čak’s art seems to say: “Very well, so I may well be in the world for no reason, but I at least I am friendly and
intelligent.” And sometimes it also takes the offensive: “..And where are those things in the world, compared to me, which are so unquestionably and exceedingly meaningful and necessary, that one cannot accuse of futility? Do you know them, or not? And if you can be sure about them in terms of
their intelligence and friendliness, then speak at least as respectfully to me.”
Čak’s art is sometimes brazen, but if interrogated, becomes modest again. Just let him be and it will promise in return never to be cruel.” (Josef Danek)