Francois Belot

Eröffnung: Sa, 7.Juli ,19 Uhr

Ausstellung: 8.7. -22.7. , Mi-Sa 14h – 19h

A selection of woodcut prints and collages from the french graphic magazine „Les Fleurs Racolent“ by François Belot. This graphic work use the expressive and supremative forms in order to build an obsessional repetition of wallpaper motif and faces.

François Belot, born in 1982, is a french graphist/ artist , diplomed from l´école Estienne, and who is actually student in l´école des Beaux-arts de Paris in Annette Messager´s studio (zur Zeit als Stipendiat an der UdK /Erasmus/). He´s running the magazine „Les fleurs Racolent“where are published most his drawings since 3 years.

Holzschnitt Drucke französische Grafikmagazine „Die Blumen bieten sich an“ (Prostitution)