By Alice Morey
Ausstellung : 26.04 – 17.05
“ Shut your eyes, wait, think of nothing. Now open them…One sees nothing but a great coloured undulation. What then? An irradiation and glory of colour. This is what a picture should give abyss in which the eye is lost, a secret germination, a coloured state of grace..lose consciousness. Descend with the painter into the dim tangled roots of things, and rise again from them in colours, be steeped in the light of them.”
Alice’s first solo painting exhibition in Berlin with paintings on canvas that have been worked on since she moved here four years ago. They are centred on the changes in her dreams, with feelings of loss and memory catalysed by living in a new place. The use of colour is predominant in her painting work. They are worked on intensively with the different mediums of household paints, crayons, acrylics and finished with a thick layer of oil paint. Alongside these there some of her newest works that concentrate on the small fantasy worlds she forms through association with nature, science and odd objects. The urban landscapes that she plunged herself into whilst making pop up events; the people, the places, the essence of structures are all resolved in some form in her paintings. Whether it be the mark, the shape, the figure, the colour, the feeling.