SO REAL – SURREAL (from czech side)

Berlin, 23-25. srpen 2013 Poslední srpnový víkend jsme strávili pracovním setkáním v PremArts gallery v Berlíně v rámci projektu s názvem SO REAL – SURREAL. Cílem setkání bylo především seznámení se se všemi partnery. Velmi cenná byla také přednáška Gerry Bischoffa, který nás podrobně seznámil s pravidly PR a hlavními zásadami komunikace s médii. Na závěr přednášky jsme vytvořili základní podobu tiskové zprávy našeho projektu. Nedílnou součástí naší cesty byly i návštěvy souvisejících výstav a galerií.

// Last week in August we spent with work visit in Berlin gallery PremArts. The goal of our visit was the prosect SO REAL – SURREAL and the main meeting with german partners. Really valuable was speech from Gerry Bischoff abou work in PR. He showed us main rules and basics in communication with media. At the end of his workshop we started to create the basic view of our Press Release for SO REAL – SURREAL project. Last part of out visit was focused on visiting related places and galleries.

Premas workshop

částí našeho setkání byl také malý workshop, který vedla Prema. Její vizí bylo dát nám příležitost vyzkoušet si práci s přírodninami. Hlavním tématem byly naše „příšery“. Moje příšera byla neviditelná, to je ostatně důvodem, proč vtev splývá s auty za ní. A můj důvod? Oněmi nejděsivějšími věcmi jsou právě ty, které nejsou vidět. Naše mysl dokáže představám dát přesný tvar. Občas i díky zvukům vidíme strašidla..

// Part of our meeting was also small workshop by Prema. Her vision was to encourage us to work with nature objects. She choosed main topic – express your monsters – so I did it. My monster was invisible, so thats why the branch at the picture has same texture like cars behind. And my reason – the most scarry and dangerous „things“ are, if they are invisible. Our mind could give them exact shapes. Sometimes you could hear noise to „see“ monsters.

getting ready in Brno meeting and workshops 5 and 19. september, 2013

workshop 5.9. 2013 as a part of enlargign your knowledges we were on visit on workshop with Roma kids, which leaded Marianna Petru. This workshop tooked a place in Ars gallery and the main topic was to work with art pieces in diffrernt way. The name was „with fire and colour“ and kids were „drawing“ with hot wire into the foam formats, after that they used spray and used this template for spraying on canvas.

Meeting with students 19. september, 2013 the meeting with students was based on my (Martinas) experience in social work. I showed them many examples from workshops I made and in secon part of our meeting was visit in Diagnostic facility.

Czech members crew:

Martina Nováková – the czech project partner, teacher of fine art on high school, videoartist, animator, ilustrator, performer and social worker Katarina Hládeková – teacher of fine art on high school, chairman of non-profit organizations Grau kllktv o.s., fine artist, sculptor

Barbora Sokolíčková – 17 years, ilustrator, animator Martina Fischerová – 20 years, mobile: 722 208 721, konceptual artist, tattooist

Tomáš Komárek – 17 years,, konceptual artist, designer Agáta Seeháková – 19 years,, fashion designer

Plans for visit in Brno: (related workshops and presentations)

Marianna Petru – about work with Roma kids Martina Nováková – about work with young „jail“ kids Susan Maly and Jana Nedomova – about work with refugee kids Katarina Hladekova – about work in non-profit organizations Grau kllktv o.s. Exhibitions: DpzK, Brno – creative help (social work in art).