Tabea Krah + Viola da Gamba

To be seen in Premarts gallery from 10.-26.02.2021 is the violin maker and musician Tabea Krah with her work on a viola da gamba.

Tabea Krah lives and works in Kreuzberg, Oppelner Straße 34 for almost 10 years now and is concentrating in repairing, restoring and building instruments. The last one she finished to create was a Swedish Nyckelharpa (Moraharpa).

To get her mind free and having more space for her creativity, Tabea loves to work in the rooms of Premarts that are flexible in their usings and empty in the beginning when slowly slowly the art could develop. Here she is not only working on the sound but also playing the instruments.


The next concert is in preparation. When Corona regulations will allow it, she will perform soon with her colleague Christian Müller at the trumpet, playing cello and guitar herself.
“Instrumentenbau Tabea Krah” on Facebook and Instagram



As an act of love session


As an act of love aims to speak through different voices and bodies. Our goal is to inspire to reflection and through that, to boost social change. Artists pertaining to minorities / working with them will inspire you to think about each event topic: isolation & feminism, climate change, decolonization, disabilities & crip culture.

„As an Act of Love zielt es darauf ab, durch verschiedene Stimmen und Körper zu sprechen. Unser Ziel ist es, zum Nachdenken anzuregen und dadurch den sozialen Wandel voranzutreiben. Künstler, aus Minderheitsgruppen oder dass mit Minderheitsgruppen zusammenarbeiten, werden Sie dazu inspirieren, über jedes Veranstaltungsthema nachzudenken: Isolation und Feminismus, Klimawandel, Entkolonialisierung, Behinderung und BehindertenKultur (“crip culture”).

  1. Isolation and / or Feminism as an act of love
  2. Climate change as an act of love
  3. (De)colonization as an act of love
  4. Disabilities & CripCulture as an act of love

Eröffnung: 27.02.2021, 19 Uhr

Performance-days: 27/02 , 13/03, 27/03 and 03/04/2021 – always from 7 to 10 pm, streaming (FB events) and possibly with audience present.

Curatorial work supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur & Europa

Workshop Tabea and Paul Vela

    Workshop Tabea and Paul Vela are in Premarts in December.



Paúl Vela is an Ecuadorian artist who has lived in Berlin for many years. The German capital is experiencing a rather serious and chronic process of gentrification. This phenomenon is the starting point of the artist’s work. His captures want to convey a sense of disjuncture between the social plane and the object presented, turning the buildings into figures that seem to revel in their abstract forms: impersonal, intimidating, absolute. The architecture of the city is modeled after the interests of financial capital investments, deliberately ignoring the immediate context.

We can see this type of building anywhere in the world: Tokyo, London, Guayaquil, Seoul, Shanghai, places where it is increasingly difficult to ensure that the cultural context does not play a secondary role and where authenticity is taken into account. The historical sense is lost. In this sample, these visual references of decontextualization produce a visual effect that is more profound than what could be seen with the naked eye and despite being part of a documentary level. The series does not have this strict objective in itself, but rather putsmore emphasis on the search for an extreme stylization. The objective is to achieve a total estrangement to the referent and generate a different perspective. A different stimulus. Both the execution of the photographs and the