October Rap Critics 2020

As part of First Thursday Kreuzberg, Premarts is proud to present a new edition of the Rap Critics.

In a bit of a test run for a new format, we will be projecting well known artworks and freestyling about them.

Come by to check it out or feel free to jump in the cypher.



21.09. 19:00 h
Ein Projekt von Tabea Krah Instrumentenbau:
Vielen vielen Dank für das wundervolle Konzert!

Marjolaine Locher & Robert Graben

Danke an meinen hochgeschätzten Kollegen
Mohamed Khoudir für seine Unterstützung mit dem Klaviertransport!
Danke an Sebastian Gaebel für Bänke und Transport und Aufbau und überhaupt!
Danke Mercedes und auch Sebastian für eure Fotos!
Danke an alle Nachbarn und Gäste und Freunde für eure Zeit und Präsenz!
Eure Freude ist mein größter Dank

Jazz Duo

Donnerstag, 24. 09. 19:00 bis 22:00
at PremArts

I’m very happy to announce this exceptional Duo to play a concert in the beautiful gallery room that I rented to show my work as a violinmaker.

Two wandering souls drawing their inspiration in the deep love for (not only) jazz music and for the truth and authenticity in the creative process.
Get ready for Jazz standards in their purest forms, spicy accordion chords with a mellow and emotional vocals.
Vocals – Michaela Bóková
Czech singer, music manager and producer based in Berlin. Her vocal expression is rooted in classical music with many creative overlaps to different genres and styles. Michaela is also an author of multiple music projects for unprivileged children and is active in the field of jazz/independent music as a manager of Kurt Rosenwinkel’s label Heartcore Records.
Accordion – Vojta Drnek
Czech accordionist and composer living in Prague after finishing his studies at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz, Austria and JAMU in Brno. Vojta is a performer with a wide range of musical styles, from swing and mainstream jazz to contemporary performances, modern jazz and free improvisation in Czech and Austria based projects.

J.S.Bach und Piazzolla im WrangelKiez

PremArts presents-

 J.S.Bach und Piazzolla im WrangelKiez


Sa  19:00 – 22:00 h

Marjolaine Locher, Violine
Robert Grabein, Piano
Marjolaine Locher aus Lyon ist Sologeigerin und Musikerin in verschiedenen Orchestern
und wird für uns zwei Stücke aus der Partita in h-Moll für Violine solo spielen und dann eine
 Wende zu Astor Piazzolla beschreiben,
begleitet von Robert Grabein am Piano.